Sgdustman. His wife has never discovered that she married
电火花线切割机(wire cut electrical discharge machining简称wedm) 数控车床又称为 cnc车床,即计算机数字控制车床 “cnc”是英文computerized numerical control(计算机数字化控制)的缩写 车床英文名称:lathe;turning machine 铣床英文名称:milling machine 平面磨床英文名称:surface grinding machine;plain grinding machine 检测examine 备料get the materials ready
电火花线切割机(Wire cut Electrical Discharge Machining简称WEDM)
数控车床又称为 CNC车床,即计算机数字控制车床 “CNC”是英文Computerized Numerical Control(计算机数字化控制)的缩写
车床英文名称:lathe;turning machine
铣床英文名称:milling machine
平面磨床英文名称:surface grinding machine;plain grinding machine
备料Get the materials ready
FMC车床是英文Flexible Manufacturing Cell(柔性加工单元)的缩写